I have gone on several deep dives into the various learning theories. I will spare you a lot of detail, but there are common themes and multiple methods that have better benefits (make it stick book, spaced repetition, blurting, etc., as below) than others.
A common theme is to focus on the process of understanding the material. Focus on setting up good habits and gearing your goals toward things like that (e.g., three times a week, I will get up early and spend 1-hour reading class material, etc.) versus focusing on the goal of a particular grade. The effect sizes of benefits when focusing on processes are much larger than when focusing on the actual goal.
If you have a good process in place, it is only a matter of time before the outcomes happen. Simon Sinek briefly and precisely states this here.
Below are links to various documents or websites that I found helpful concerning study habits, learning, etc.
My takeaways from the ‘Make it Stick’ book by Peter Brown et al.
Various quotes about study habits that I found helpful
The PQ4R Study Method
A website listing the 7 Best Study Methods